School Operational Forms Bundle
This course provides access to forms I have learned you will need in business, but are not required for approval. These forms will help you with every day tasks that students will need to engage in. These include withdrawing from class, requesting a transcript, or even student evaluation forms.
Your Instructor
Victoria Randle NP-C is a Family Nurse Practitioner with 15 years of experience in the field of nursing. She started a CNA school in 2015 and came upon many hurdles in the process. She decided to take the knowledge she obtained from her journey to help others achieve their goals of starting a CNA school too. In 2017 she decided to start consulting to help other individuals to start CNA schools. Mrs. Randle has helped to start more than 100 healthcare training schools throughout the United States. Programs include medical assistant, phlebotomy, patient care technician, and CNA.
The Secret Cocktail University was built to help others overcome their frustrations or barriers to starting their own healthcare training school. It is Mrs. Randle's goal to help others build quality healthcare schools that produce extraordinary healthcare workers.
Mrs. Randle resides in Georgia with her husband and three daughters. She owns H.E.R.O Institute located in Marietta, GA and practices as a Family Nurse Practitioner PRN at H.E.R.O Care Clinic consulting to help create training schools to this day!
Course Curriculum
PreviewHow This Course Works
PreviewEnrollment form (7:19)
PreviewClinical Contract (17:26)
PreviewStudent Roster (1:06)
PreviewDrug Screening Consent Form (2:27)
PreviewStudent Payment Agreement (2:44)
PreviewTranscript Request Form (1:43)
PreviewTranscript (3:43)
PreviewWithdrawal Form (1:55)
PreviewStudent Evaluations (8:08)
PreviewInstructor Evaluations (2:29)
PreviewBook Your Call